Sunday, July 13, 2008

my bottle collection!!

I always pick out the jones with the best pictures lol

This is a bottle that my mom had that i filled with beach glass =)

These are amazingly cool bottles. they are stoppered with a glass ball that has to be punched in to get anything out. trust me...they are soooo hard to open. me and my friends couldnt get it so in the mall we asked the customer service guy if we could borrow some scissors to open it and it ended up exploding all over his

thats the glass ball that used to stopper it..

these are my favs!

My collection of soda tabs

I kinda collect soda tabs. All different colors if i can. My boyfriends decided to dump them all out one day and makes me a few presents. He made me a heart! And an I love you and we also made a kitty!!! <3<3<3<3


My kitty skunky
She is the princess of the house and when she wants something she WILL get her way whether you like it or not. She is one of the softest kitties ever. Even though she hates to be picked up...she is still really cuddly and cute!!!

Friday, July 11, 2008 if...

So as im remembering that i have one of thingies.....i realize that i was really curious as to how to get people to actually read it. My mom has one that she uploads pics of flowers onto, and my sure he doesnt even know there are more then 3 different sites on the entire Internet. So its up to me to make you so called people interested in my mess of a life. With drama (created completely by who else but the drama queen herself) and dont forget the crying and the fighting and well you cant forget the amazing times either....

I know i know....all of this is screaming INTERESTING but that part is yet to come.....

I guess this is when im supposed to confess that i have only one leg because a cat ate my other one or that im secretly obsessed with hair and when i see the softest locks of golden blonds or dark brunettes i have to touch it even at the risk of getting hit with a purse full of bricks....
Luckily...neither of those are true. All my body parts are in tact and i have the common sense that everyone has those cool invisible bubbles that says....PLEASE STAY AWAY OR I WILL EAT YOU.

Now that im trying to find a way to say it.....maybe its not that interesting...well maybe it is but its not just one thing thats like WOAH COOL!! SHE ATE A 70 POUND CHOCOLATE BAR IN 1 MINUTE. Which i hope you all kids dont try it at home...u will puke.

I guess i would say i have an uncaring family. Dont get me wrong they dont want me to die but everything emotionally is up to me. They wont listen or dry my tears when a BF breaks my heart or when my best friends decides she hates me. On top of that...they don't even have the time to say Hi. My dads an alcoholic and so that pretty much fills up every ones time. He stumbles and slurs and embarrasses everyone. He detoxes almost every other month it seems which is just dumb. Hes had seizures and fights and even hallucinations that someone was out to kill him so he fled the hospital in nothing but a robe. Yeps those are the stories ill be telling to my children when they think something sucks...

maybe ill explain the real interesting things but as of now im wiped ready for nighty night all you late nighters such as myself. Im sure tomorrow is sooner then you think.